Talented storytelling experts.
The Rebel.
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Talented storytelling experts.
The Rebel.
bank - thank you for maintaining your loan repayments for the past 3 years.
to show our appreciation we are forgiving the balance of your loan.
borrower - yeah!.
Cofty I concluded a long time ago that the Watchtower considered my money their money.
My Definition of Religion is Money.
The Rebel.
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
The Rebel
It is hard to define as the whole world is fall of different cultures in which success is viewed differently. But I think there is something impalatable and unpleasant with how many view success.
What is success to you?
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
I also learnt from this thread that I am capable of some very interesting thoughts, but that there is a huge difference between a " THOUGHT" and " THINKING" ( I think)
The Rebel
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
The O.P " On respect for the beliefs of others...."
What have I personally learnt from this thread?
A) There are some beliefs I can't respect.
B) Every posters reply serves a purpose in my personal development.
So my personal conclusion is that every post may test me or teach me something. I therefore think when we exchange opinions we should do so, in a way that brings out the best in us.
The Rebel.
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
A bad exsperience.
The Rebel
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
I must say I agree with Viviane we shouldn't be respecting all beliefs. I outlined my reasons for this in my previous post. But with regards to a person believing in God, or the Trinity, I feel these things which can't be proven and are subject to faith should be respected, or we can realise we are only not respecting a part of that persons beliefs.
Anyway the way I look at it is we live in a room with the lights on and the curtains drawn, but occasionally we are allowed to switch on the light and open the curtains. These are the times where we develop in our thinking and moral compass. And I like to think when I come to this forum, this is a time when I switch the light off and open the curtains.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Viviane ( Q)" Why are beliefs deserving of respect anyway?"
The Rebel, thanks for bringing that point to my attention. Maybe we can disrespect a part of a persons beliefs, without suggesting or thinking a persons entire self is unworthy of respect. But you are absolutely right many beliefs depending on our moral compass and education are not worthy of our respect.
bohem I agree on the danger of using characters from a T.V show to reflect how rational/ intuitiative people behave. It was just an illustration to emphathize that non logical thinking is also to be respected.
The Rebel
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Well let me attempt to answer the star-.trek question.
I think Dr McCoys beliefs are to be respected more than Spoks. Would you not agree that the impeccable logical speech of Spock is not a proper representitive of good thinking? Would you not agree that Dr McCoy is the more rounded thinker, because he takes imaginative and intuitiative risks?
The Rebel.